Bastide Reports Steady Growth and Improved Margins for 2023-2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action BASTIDE (EPA:BLC).

Groupe Bastide, a prominent European home healthcare provider, announced a revenue increase to €529.8 million for the fiscal year 2023-2024, reflecting a 4.3% growth from the previous year. The revenue boost was driven by a 7.4% organic growth, particularly in home healthcare and Homecare sectors. The Respiratory and Nutrition-Perfusion-Stomatherapy divisions contributed significantly, with revenues rising by 13.1% and 10.6% respectively.

Financially, Bastide achieved an EBITDA of €107.6 million, marking a 5.9% rise with a margin of 20.3%. The recurring operating margin of 8.5% exceeded expectations, aided by strategic management amid inflationary pressures. Despite increased financial expenses, net profit from continuing operations stood at €9.5 million.

The Group's debt strategy involved reducing net debt to €385 million by securing a new €375 million financing contract, aiming for further leverage improvement in upcoming years. With a target revenue of over €560 million for the next fiscal year, Bastide focuses on enhancing operating margins and debt reduction through asset disposals and cash flow optimization.

R. E.

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