sur Epique Realty

Barbara Corcoran to Headline Epique Realty Shareholders Summit

The 2025 Epique Shareholders Summit, organized by Epique Realty, marks a significant event in the real estate sector. It will occur from February 12-14, 2025, at the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center. The summit aims to bring together shareholders, industry leaders, and innovators to shape the future of real estate.

A highlight of the event is Barbara Corcoran, a renowned entrepreneur and Shark Tank star, who will serve as the VIP Keynote Speaker. Her journey from modest beginnings to building a billion-dollar company exemplifies perseverance and success. Corcoran's participation signifies Epique's intent to redefine industry conventions.

Under the leadership of CEO Josh Miller, Epique Realty has rapidly expanded and continues to promote a vision of limitless growth. The summit will focus on celebrating achievements, exploring new strategies, and introducing innovative tools for the real estate market.

R. P.

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