sur Banyan Gold Corp. (isin : CA06683K1066)
Banyan Gold Corp. Reviews 2024 AurMac Diamond Drill Program
Banyan Gold Corp. provided a detailed summary of its 2024 drilling program at the AurMac Project in the Yukon. The 21,000-meter diamond drill effort confirmed high-grade gold mineralization at the Airstrip and Powerline deposits. Visible gold was noted in multiple drill holes, enhancing confidence in the project's mineral resources.
Key findings include the discovery of high-grade zones, such as 15.9 meters at 9.32 g/t and 3.7 meters at 33.43 g/t. Such results demonstrate the project's potential for growth in size and grade. An updated Mineral Resource estimate is anticipated in Q2 2025.
The Airstrip and Powerline deposits, hosted in various geological formations, show potential for further expansion and high-grade gold detection, reinforcing the promise of the AurMac Project's economic prospects.
R. H.
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