sur Banyan Gold Corp. (isin : CA06683K1066)
Banyan Gold Corp. Outlines 2024 Exploration Goals for AurMac Project in Yukon
Banyan Gold Corp. has recently declared its exploration and technical program for 2024 at the AurMac Project in Yukon, Canada. This initiative includes a strategic diamond drilling of up to 5,000 meters focusing on the Powerline and Airstrip deposits. The company targets key areas to enhance mineral resource estimates and potential economic zones within these deposits.
Together with the drilling program, Banyan will continue its metallurgical, engineering, and environmental studies to further the project’s development towards economic viability and permit acquisitions. Important to this year's program is the optimization of gold recovery processes such as Carbon in Pulp (CIP), Carbon in Leach (CIL), and heap leaching.
Tara Christie, President and CEO of Banyan, highlighted the favorable positioning of the AurMac project in the current gold market, noting its 7 million ounce gold resource and the existing infrastructural advantages. Banyan’s exploration activities are set to commence in May 2024 with the deployment of two drills, aiming to focus on infill drilling and extending the known mineralization zones.
The results from these comprehensive programs will help guide further project evaluations and scoping, particularly in identifying potential infrastructure areas for early-stage mine development. Environmental baseline studies, which have been ongoing since 2021, are also set to expand, providing critical data to support the project's advancement.
R. P.
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