sur EasyJet (isin : GB00B7KR2P84)

Bank of America Adjusts Stake in easyJet

easyJet PLC announced a significant change in holdings by the Bank of America Corporation, which is now at a combined total of 10.854783% of the total voting rights after recent transactions. This adjustment crosses a noteworthy threshold as of May 9, 2024, with easyJet being officially notified the following day.

The disclosed change reflects a slight decrease in Bank of America's holdings from the previous notification, where it held 11.432249% of the voting rights. The total voting rights currently held in easyJet by Bank of America amount to 82,280,341.

This shift in holdings encompasses both direct voting rights and financial instruments like swaps and options. Direct voting rights accounted for 1.882202% while rights through financial instruments composed the remaining 8.972581%. A mixture of physical swaps and options represents various expiration and settlement dates, indicating a strategic adjustment by the Bank of America in its investment in easyJet.

R. E.

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