sur CTS EVENTIM AG (isin : DE0005470306)

AXS and CTS EVENTIM join forces for the ticketing of the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Los Angeles

The LA28 Games organizing committee has announced the appointment of AXS and CTS EVENTIM as official ticketing service providers for the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games. This collaboration aims to combine their technological expertise and marketing assets for the promotion, sale, and global distribution of tickets. Tickets will be available through the online platforms of both companies as well as on the LA28 website.

The LA28, AXS, and CTS EVENTIM officials have expressed their excitement for this partnership, emphasizing that it will offer an accessible and seamless experience to fans worldwide. Their common goal is to provide a safe and secure digital ticketing solution, leveraging their experience in managing major sports events.

This initiative marks the first time Los Angeles will host the Paralympic Games and the third time for the Olympic Games. Both companies bring significant expertise in ticketing, with AXS offering consumer-focused technologies and CTS EVENTIM bringing its experience in managing Olympic ticketing over the past two decades.

R. E.

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