sur AXA (EPA:CS)

AXA Group announces its 2023 financial results and its CSR commitment

AXA Group, a global leader in insurance and asset management, has released its financial results for the year 2023. With 145,000 employees serving 94 million clients in 51 countries, the group recorded IFRS17 revenues of €102.7 billion and IFRS17 underlying earnings of €7.6 billion. As of December 31, 2023, AXA managed assets worth €933 billion, including assets managed for third parties.

AXA's common stock is listed on compartment A of Euronext Paris. The group is also featured in major international ESG indices, such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and FTSE4GOOD, highlighting its commitment to sustainable development. AXA is a founding member of the United Nations Environment Programme's Principles for Sustainable Insurance initiative and a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment.

This press release emphasizes the importance for AXA to provide transparent and regulated information, accessible through its website. It also includes forward-looking statements, reminding investors of the risks and uncertainties associated with such statements. AXA uses non-GAAP financial measures, including "underlying earnings," to better analyze its financial and operational performance.

R. H.

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