sur Dufry International AG (isin : CH0023405456)

Avolta and DB Schenker Pioneer Marine Biofuel in Barcelona-Miami Route

Avolta, a leading global travel experience provider, announces a significant partnership with DB Schenker, a top logistics service provider. This agreement will utilize marine biofuel for transporting goods between Europe and the United States. It's a pioneering effort in the Spanish market, advancing low-emissions maritime transport.

Using waste-based marine biofuels and sustainable sources, Avolta aims to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 84%, preventing over 150 tons of CO2e Well-to-Wake emissions annually. The biofuel used is the renewable Used Cooking oil methyl ester (UCOME), guided by the Book & Claim System, ensuring traceability and credibility.

Camillo Rossotto of Avolta highlights this as a major step towards decarbonizing shipments, with plans to increase biofuel transport volumes. Miguel Ángel de la Torre of DB Schenker emphasizes the role in helping clients transition to low-emission transport, staying ahead of new regulations.

This initiative aligns with the International Maritime Organization's strategy for reducing greenhouse gases and increasing the use of zero-energy sources in shipping by 2050.

R. H.

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