AURES Initiates Exclusive Negotiation with Advantech and Founder for Strategic Acquisition

AURES Group, along with Advantech and Patrick Cathala, the founder, have entered exclusive negotiations focused on a strategic transaction intended to foster growth and expansion. This transaction includes the issuance of convertible bonds, a major share purchase, and a subsequent tender offer.

The first phase involves Advantech acquiring €5 million in convertible bonds from AURES in two tranches. Concurrently, Advantech plans to purchase approximately 1.43 million shares from Cathala at €6.31 each, gaining substantial control over the company. This transaction is set to culminate in a mandatory cash tender offer for the remaining AURES shares at the same price, subject to financial regulations approval.

The board of AURES has responded positively to the proposed acquisitions, which aim to leverage both AURES’ innovative design and Advantech’s extensive international reach and technological prowess to enhance global market competitiveness, particularly in Smart Retail Solutions. This strategic alignment expects to not only enhance product and service offerings but also significantly improve shareholder value.

R. E.

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