sur Atlas Salt (isin : CA04943J1003)

Atlas Salt Inc. Moves Forward with Great Atlantic Salt Project After Environmental Approval

Atlas Salt Inc. announced that the Great Atlantic Salt Project has been released from the provincial environmental assessment process by Newfoundland and Labrador's Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Bernard Davis. This milestone follows thorough regulatory and public review, positioning the project for further development and production.

CEO Rick LaBelle expressed optimism about the project's potential economic impact on Newfoundland's west coast. The project aims to produce high-quality Canadian-made salt primarily for North American markets once construction and advanced engineering phases are completed.

The release from the environmental assessment process allows Atlas Salt to proceed with necessary provincial permitting before moving into the development phase. The project, set to provide significant employment opportunities, emphasizes environmental sustainability and community engagement.

Further details about the project and its advancement can be accessed via the NLDECC's website and Atlas Salt’s official site. The project features an innovative design intended to minimize greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with broader environmental and economic goals.

R. E.

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