sur Ateliere Creative Technologies
Ateliere Announces Development of an AI-Powered Media Supply Chain Platform
Ateliere Creative Technologies is set to redefine its media supply chain services with a new platform underpinned by Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) and machine learning. This advancement will introduce a higher level of intelligence automation across all stages of media workflows, including the ingestion, management, and monetization of content. The company's foundation in cloud-native technology and AI will be significantly expanded to integrate a holistic AI approach across its operations.
To guide its AI development, Ateliere has formed an AI Advisory Council consisting of leaders from the media, telecommunications, and entertainment industries. This council aims to ensure the new platform meets market needs and addresses customer challenges effectively. Ateliere's CEO, Dan Goman, emphasized the importance of understanding client needs and differentiating their offerings to become an essential component of their customers' success.
The upcoming AI-enabled platform promises to streamline media supply chain workflows through an integrated ecosystem, allowing customers to automate and orchestrate processes efficiently. This is a significant step for Ateliere, known for its proprietary FrameDNA™ technology and services to major clients like Lionsgate, MGM, and the World Poker Tour®. The company is also exploring partnerships to enhance the platform’s capabilities and cater to specialized needs.
R. E.
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