sur Assured Allies

Assured Allies Enters Multi-Year Partnership with CalPERS

Assured Allies has launched a comprehensive program, AgeAssured, designed to support over 45,000 CalPERS long-term care policyholders over the next five years. The initiative focuses on helping policyholders maintain their independence at home.

AgeAssured, offered at no cost to eligible individuals, has shown a 10% reduction in claim payments. The program targets policyholders aged 75 and older who are not currently on claim, providing them with personal coaching and evidence-based preventative interventions.

Roee Nahir, co-founder and CEO of Assured Allies, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership, citing it as a significant milestone and a testament to the effectiveness of their solutions. AgeAssured now benefits over 130,000 policyholders across various insurance carriers.

The program employs machine-learning models to identify those at high risk of disability and tailors interventions to promote independence. By offering personalized predictive wellness measures, it aims to reduce age-related disabilities and keep policyholders living safely at home for longer.

R. P.

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