sur Assistek Inc

AssisTek Marks 25 Years of Innovations in eClinical Data for Clinical Research

DOYLESTOWN, PA - assisTek, a pioneering provider of eClinical patient data solutions, celebrated its 25th anniversary, marking a quarter-century of innovation in the field of clinical research trials. Founded in 1998, the company has played a crucial role in enhancing data management and patient engagement in clinical studies through cutting-edge technologies and platforms.

Richard Gastineau, CEO of assisTek, expressed pride in the company's journey and achievements over the years, emphasizing the importance of innovation and the dedication to providing researchers with essential tools for healthcare advancements. assisTek's impactful contributions to clinical research include the development of electronic data capture (EDC) systems and advanced clinical trial management platforms, catering to the evolving needs of the industry.

The company's success is attributed to its focus on technological advancements, a commitment to excellence, and a strong partnership with clients, partners, and employees. Gastineau acknowledged their role in assisTek's achievements, noting their trust and support as foundational to the company's continued growth.

Looking forward, assisTek remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of clinical research, empowering researchers to deliver life-saving treatments more efficiently. Celebrating its 25th anniversary, the company renews its commitment to innovation, customer satisfaction, and enhancing outcomes for patients globally.

R. H.

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