sur ASSE International, Inc.

ASSE Invites American Families to Host Exchange Students

ASSE International Student Exchange Programs, a non-profit organization, is inviting American families to host foreign exchange students. The initiative promises enriching cultural experiences for both the students and the families involved.

Students, aged 15 to 18, come from over 50 countries, including Italy, France, Spain, Brazil, and Thailand. They are keen to immerse themselves in American culture and share their own traditions and languages. This mutual exchange provides a unique learning opportunity for all participants.

Host families can vary in composition, from single parents to couples or individuals. Exchange students come with their own pocket money and comprehensive insurance. Families can choose from a diverse pool of students based on academic and personal qualities.

Interested families are encouraged to contact Saphia Lesch at 1-800-736-1760, visit, or email to start the hosting process. Building memories and friendships with an exchange student is highly rewarding and offers a lifetime of cherished experiences.

R. E.

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