sur Cresa Boston

AspenTech Headquarters Lease Renewal Wins Suburban Office Deal of the Year

The Commercial Brokers Association has awarded the Aspen Technology, Inc. headquarters project, managed by Cresa Boston, the title of Suburban Office Deal of the Year. This accolade highlights notable real estate transactions in the Greater Boston area that have yielded significant benefits for the occupants involved.

As AspenTech faced the end of their lease at 20 Crosby Drive in Bedford, MA, they collaborated with Cresa to explore space options. Ultimately deciding to renew and expand their current lease, the project involved an extensive redesign aimed at improving employee experience. Key enhancements included significant site improvements and the expansion of the building AspenTech will fully occupy.

Cresa’s comprehensive involvement ranged from lease negotiations favoring AspenTech’s interests to managing the redesign project in line with budget and timeline objectives. The redesigned space aims to meet the needs of a hybrid workforce with energy-efficient systems and enhancements to aid in recruitment and overall employee satisfaction.

“This achievement reflects our commitment to effective collaboration and client satisfaction,” stated Tim Myllykangas, Managing Principal at Cresa. The project stands as a milestone for AspenTech as they look forward to their future in the redesigned Bedford location.

R. P.

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