sur ASMALLWORLD AG (isin : CH0404880129)

ASMALLWORLD AG Announces CEO Departure

On December 12, 2024, ASMALLWORLD AG announced that its CEO, Jan Luescher, will be stepping down at the end of April 2025. Luescher, who joined the company as CEO in 2016, has guided the transformation of ASMALLWORLD from a single-core venture to a diversified luxury travel group. Under his leadership, the company expanded its sales from CHF 5.0M in 2017 to CHF 21.2M in 2023, achieving CHF 2.1M in profit.

The company, according to Chairman Michael Manz, has been positioned for future growth thanks to a sustainable business model and expanded product offerings. Luescher's resignation comes as ASMALLWORLD is well-positioned to pursue further ambitions. The search for his successor is ongoing, with Jan continuing his duties until a replacement is appointed.

R. E.

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