Archos successfully completes its capital increase

Archos announced the success of its capital increase, which took place from April 15 to May 9, 2024, reaching almost 1 million euros and an oversubscription of 190.63%. This operation enabled the creation of 23,221,208 new shares, subscribed at a price of 0.043 euros per share, representing a significant discount compared to the share price on April 5, 2024.

The main purpose of the fundraising was to early repay the company's debt to a management trust, established at the end of December 2023. The initial subscription commitments came mainly from the company's management, thus affirming their confidence in its future.

The operation changes the composition of the share capital, which now stands at more than 522,000 euros divided into more than 58 million shares. The dilution for a shareholder holding 1% before the issue is reduced to 0.6% after the issue.

R. H.

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