April 2024 Traffic Report for Getlink's Shuttle Services
In April 2024, Getlink reported a 3% increase in truck shuttles, transporting 101,250 trucks. This contrasts with a downturn in passenger shuttle services, which saw a 19% decrease in the number of vehicles carried, totaling 173,058 for the month.
The variance in traffic appears significant when comparing year-to-date figures. By the end of April, truck shuttles demonstrated a 4% decrease year-on-year, with 403,051 trucks transported. The passenger vehicles marked a more significant decrease of 8%, transporting 554,377 vehicles since January 2024.
The variations in traffic are partly due to the timing of the Easter weekend, which took place in March in 2024, influencing the travel patterns particularly in the passenger sector. Getlink's next update on traffic figures is scheduled for 11 June 2024.
R. H.
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