Appointment of Caroline Thomas at NetMedia Group and capital increase announced

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action NETMEDIA GROUP (EPA:ALNMG).

NetMedia Group has appointed Caroline Thomas as its new CEO, succeeding Hervé Lenglart. With nearly 30 years of experience in the media, she represents a new strategic phase for the group. Her goal is to enhance the company's media brands and improve their offering to B2B customers.

At the same time, NetMedia Group is considering a capital increase of 2.8 million euros, with preferential subscription rights maintained. This operation, provided to the tune of 2.4 million euros by Reworld Media, aims to support the development of the group, while re-spreading its bank debt.

The nomination of Caroline Thomas as a potential member of the board of directors will be submitted to the next general meeting. Other sector experts could also be integrated into the board.

R. E.

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