sur Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.

Applied DNA to Highlight Linea IVT Platform at mRNA-based Therapeutics Summit

Stony Brook, NY / ACCESSWIRE / July 29, 2024 / Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:APDN) will showcase its Linea™ IVT platform at the 4th Annual mRNA-based Therapeutics Summit in Boston from July 29-31, 2024. The poster presentation will focus on the reduction of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) contamination, a major issue in mRNA production.

Presented by Yuhua Sun, Huan Dong, and other team members, the poster will highlight how the Linea™ IVT platform couples an enzymatically produced DNA template with a next-generation RNA polymerase. This combination enables faster mRNA manufacturing with minimized dsRNA impurities.

Clay Shorrock, executive director of business development with LineaRx, emphasized that reducing dsRNA is crucial for efficient mRNA expression and regulatory compliance. The Linea IVT platform offers a fully enzymatic solution that could lower production costs and improve yields for mRNA-based therapies and vaccines.

R. E.

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