sur Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.

Applied DNA Receives Approval for TR8™ Pharmacogenomic Testing Service from New York State Department of Health

Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:APDN), a leader in PCR-based DNA technologies, has received approval from the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) for its TR8™ PGx pharmacogenomic testing service. The company is now engaging in discussions to provide large-scale testing to enterprise customers, healthcare networks, and concierge physicians. This service aims to guide healthcare providers in administering medications for cardiovascular, oncology, psychiatric, infectious disease, and pain management treatments based on a patient’s unique genetics.

Administered via a simple cheek swab, the TR8 PGx test analyzes 120 genetic targets across more than 30 genes. This helps healthcare providers make informed decisions about patient medications, potentially lowering healthcare costs and improving patient outcomes. The service will initially target patients in New York State and is available by prescription only. Applied DNA is seeking partnerships with employers, healthcare systems, and large-scale enterprises to secure a share in this market.

"The standards set by NYSDOH are among the most rigorous in the country," said Dr. James A. Hayward, President and CEO of Applied DNA. "This approval is a significant regulatory milestone for us. We are committed to advancing personalized medicine through cost-effective and scalable genetic testing."

Studies have shown that pharmacogenomic (PGx) testing can lower healthcare costs, improve wellness, and increase productivity when deployed on an enterprise scale. The TR8 PGx test is expected to be a valuable tool in personalized medicine, helping New Yorkers live healthier lives.

R. E.

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