sur Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.

Applied DNA and Alphazyme Achieve Major Cost Reduction in Linea RNAP Manufacturing

Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:APDN) and Alphazyme LLC, a Maravai LifeSciences company (NASDAQ:MRVI), have concluded their Linea™ RNAP manufacturing scale-up project. The collaboration has led to a significant reduction of over 70% in Linea RNAP manufacturing costs. This cost reduction is expected to substantially improve the profitability of Applied DNA's Linea IVT platform.

The project has enabled Applied DNA to secure a commercial quantity of Linea RNAP sufficient to meet anticipated near-term demand for mRNA production materials. This milestone supports the company’s biotherapeutics strategy and positions it for future growth within its LineaRx segment.

Dr. James A. Hayward, CEO of Applied DNA, highlighted the validated potential of their Linea IVT platform, noting its reduced workflow complexity and successful scale production. Chad Decker, VP and GM of Alphazyme, emphasized the alignment of this project's outcome with Alphazyme's mission to deliver high-quality, cost-effective enzymes.

R. H.

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