sur Apex Critical Metals Corp. (isin : CA03753D1042)

Apex Critical Metals Corp. Signs Earn-In Agreement with Discovery Lithium & DG Resource Management

Apex Critical Metals Corp. (CSE:APXC, OTCQB:APXCF) has announced an Earn-In Option Agreement with Discovery Lithium Inc. and DG Resource Management LTD. The agreement grants Discovery Lithium an option to acquire an 80% interest in several projects within the James Bay region, including Mantle, Cirrus East, Cirrus West, Neptune, Alto, Opus, and Bruce Lake.

Discovery Lithium will issue 5 million shares and invest $1 million within six months to maintain the option. The projects are situated in promising locations known for significant lithium discoveries.

Apex has also signed an agreement with Zimtu Capital Corp. for services under the ZimtuADVANTAGE program, covering investor relations and various promotional activities. Apex will pay Zimtu $12,500 monthly for twelve months.

R. H.

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