sur Apex Critical Metals Corp. (isin : CA03753D1042)

Apex Critical Metals Corp. Awards Stock Options

Apex Critical Metals Corp. has announced the granting of 5 million incentive stock options. These options allow directors, officers, and consultants to acquire up to 5 million shares at $0.85 each. The exercise period extends over five years, ending on March 14, 2030. The vesting schedule is staggered, with 33% vesting after four months, another 33% after eight months, and the remaining 34% after twelve months.

The shares pertaining to these options are subject to a holding period of four months and one day post-issuance. Apex Critical Metals Corp., anchored in Vancouver, specializes in exploring properties with potential for rare earth elements, niobium, and other minerals. The company's projects, such as the Cap and Bianco carbonatite projects, underline its strategic focus on rare rock formations relevant to the global demand for specialty metals.

R. P.

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