sur Apex Critical Metals Corp. (isin : CA03753D1042)

Apex Critical Metals Corp. Appoints Joness Lang to the Board of Directors

Apex Critical Metals Corp. announced the appointment of Joness Lang as an independent director. Lang, with extensive experience in corporate growth, capital markets, and natural resource sectors, is currently the CEO of Canter Resources Corp. His previous roles include Presidency at American Pacific Mining Corp and Executive Vice Presidency at Maple Gold Mines Ltd.

Lang's career has been marked by significant transactions and partnerships, including his involvement in securing Agnico Eagle as a strategic partner and multiple nominations for Deal of the Year by S&P Global Platts. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce from Royal Roads University and a diploma in Marketing Management Entrepreneurship from BCIT.

The company also granted Lang 200,000 incentive stock options under its Equity Incentive Plan, exercisable over five years, with a vesting schedule extending up to twenty-four months from the grant date.

R. E.

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