sur APCON, Inc.

APCON Introduces IntellaView Enterprise for Enhanced Network Management

APCON, Inc. has launched IntellaView Enterprise, a revolutionary software management system aimed at enhancing network visibility and efficiency for switches and virtual machines. The system is designed to streamline navigation, workflows, and insights, addressing the needs of an increasingly disaggregated data center environment.

IntellaView Enterprise incorporates real-time and historical data accessibility, organized network devices, and workflows. The software is engineered to meet the challenges of managing large-scale, encrypted data across diversified data center topographies efficiently.

Tim Huck, Software Engineering Manager at APCON, highlighted the software’s capability to automate operational processes, aiding network and security teams in managing complex network setups with ease. IntellaView Enterprise boasts features like consolidated navigation, customizable widgets, SSL Certificate Manager, and License Management among others to facilitate network management tasks.

With its comprehensive suite of tools, IntellaView Enterprise aims to reduce manual efforts in network monitoring and management, thus allowing teams to focus on more critical tasks. The software supports a range of APCON products, including IntellaView and IntellaFlex XR switches, and IntellaStore blade products. It also introduces a range of features to improve the handling of SSL certificates, licensing, and switch health checks.

IntellaView Enterprise is compatible with various platforms including Windows Server 2022, Alma Linux, and RHEL 9.X, and it is available for download on both Android and iPhone devices. APCON invites network performance teams to schedule demos or contact their sales representatives for more detailed information and quotes.

R. H.

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