Analysis of Barbara Bui's 2023 annual results

Barbara Bui recorded turnover growth of 10% in 2023, reaching 12.0 million euros. However, the Group suffered a net loss of 0.9 million euros, compared to a profit of 1.1 million euros in 2022. The gross margin improved from 69% to 72%, thanks to effective cost management.

In detail, the Retail activity increased slightly while the Wholesale activity saw a strong increase of 21%. Despite these positive results on turnover and gross margin, operational expenses, including marketing costs and administrative costs, increased by 6%.

The company continues to invest in digital and aims to strengthen its e-commerce activity. It is also maintaining its strategy of winning back its market segments thanks to the recent recruitment of new sales management.

The financial balance sheet shows stable cash flow and a reduction in financial debt. This prudent financial management appears to position the group to return to profitability in the near future.

R. H.

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