sur Lyxor Smart Cash - UCITS ETF C-GBP (isin : LU1230136894)
Amundi ETFs Announce Upcoming Mergers
Amundi Investment Solutions reports upcoming mergers affecting Amundi ETFs. On March 10, 2025, selected ETFs will merge under new receiving tickers. Characteristics such as TER and trading currencies will remain unchanged. However, trading will occur under new symbols for the Amundi Smart Overnight Return GBP Hedged UCITS ETF Acc and the Amundi Smart Overnight Return USD Hedged UCITS ETF Acc.
The affected ETFs, previously known as Lyxor Smart Overnight Return - UCITS ETF C-GBP and C-USD, will cease trading on March 7, 2025. The merger will base on the net asset value as of this date. The London Stock Exchange will host the receiving ETFs starting March 10, 2025, marking the first trading day for these new listings.
R. H.
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