sur Amprion GmbH (isin : DE000A3JN9U5)

Amprion GmbH Successfully Issues €1 Billion Green Bond

Amprion GmbH, a key transmission system operator, has successfully issued a green dual-tranche bond totaling €1 billion as part of its €9 billion debt issuance program. The bond saw significant interest, with the order book being substantially oversubscribed. This move bolsters Amprion’s repeated presence in the international bond market, specifically focusing on green bonds to fund the upgrade and expansion of Germany’s climate-neutral electricity grid.

The issued green bond, listed on the Euro MTF of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, consists of a €500 million tranche with a 7-year maturity at a 3.625% coupon, and another €500 million tranche with a 20-year maturity at a 4.000% coupon. Peter Rüth, CFO of Amprion, expressed satisfaction with the transaction, emphasizing it as a reflection of investor confidence and a cornerstone for growth and sustainable energy initiatives in Germany.

The proceeds from this bond will be dedicated to projects fitting the criteria set by Amprion’s Green Finance Framework, aligned with international Green Bond Principles and verified by Sustainalytics. Additionally, both Moody’s and Fitch have affirmed Amprion’s solid investment grade ratings, with Moody’s assigning a Baa1 rating to this new issuance.

R. P.

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