Amoéba: Stock Market Coverage Launched by Euroland Corporate

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action AMOEBA (EPA:ALMIB).

Amoéba, a greentech company from Chassieu, has announced that its stock is being covered by Euroland Corporate. The stock is the subject of a study entitled "On the road to commercialization!", recommending purchase with a price target of €2.40, representing a potential appreciation of more than 150% compared to the last closing price.

This initiative marks an important step for Amoéba, which specializes in natural microbiological solutions based on amoeba, covering the plant protection and cosmetics sectors. Listed on Euronext Growth, the company is asserting its position in the biocontrol market.

Although focused on the United States and Europe, local regulatory procedures remain crucial for the expansion of its phytosanitary products.

R. P.

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