Amoéba Expands Production to Support AXPERA's Market Launch

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action AMOEBA (EPA:ALMIB).

Amoéba, a French industrial greentech firm, is extending production capacity at its Chassieu site. This move supports the commercial deployment of their "AXPERA" biocontrol products. The decision follows a memorandum signed with Koppert in 2024, aimed at securing a global contract by May 2025. Recent positive conclusions from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have also paved the way for marketing authorizations expected this year.

The extension involves a €1.1 million investment to increase production and reduce costs through technical improvements. Additionally, Amoéba is exploring further capacity expansions, including partnerships with CDMOs and Koppert. These strategies aim to optimize production for AXPERA's commercial launch, aligning with expected volume increases and cost efficiencies.

R. H.

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