sur American Weigh Scales

American Weigh Scales Lands Major Contract with USPS

American Weigh Scales, a leader in precision weighing solutions, announces the award of a significant contract with the United States Postal Service (USPS). This contract highlights the company's commitment to providing innovative products and solutions to meet the changing needs of the postal industry.

Gary Sahni, CEO of Sahni Enterprises, parent company of American Weigh Scales, expresses his honor and enthusiasm for this partnership with the USPS. It reaffirms the company's commitment to offering cutting-edge weighing solutions, tailored to the specific requirements of the postal industry, and to contributing to the USPS mission of providing reliable and efficient mail and package services.

Recognized for its innovation and reliability in weighing technology, American Weigh Scales stands out for its latest generation scales ensuring precise measurements. The USPS contract highlights American Weigh Scales' ability to meet the unique needs of its customers, providing tailored solutions that improve operational efficiencies and drive project success.

R. E.

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