sur American Potash Corp. (isin : CA02906A1084)
American Potash Transitions to American Critical Minerals
American Potash Corp., now set to become American Critical Minerals Corp., announced plans to rebrand and adopt the ticker symbol "KCLI." This shift aligns with the company's focus on potash and lithium development, particularly in its Green River Project situated in Utah's Paradox Basin. The region is known for its potential in both potash and lithium resources, underscoring the strategic importance of the rebranding.
The company is launching a non-brokered private placement to raise up to $1 million, offering 12.5 million units at $0.08 per unit. Proceeds will support exploration activities, emphasizing potash and lithium, alongside general working capital.
Additionally, the company aims to consolidate its shares at a ratio of 2.5:1. This move, alongside the rebranding, aims to strengthen its market position in the mineral sector.
R. H.
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