sur AlzChem Group AG (isin : DE000A0AHT46)
Alzchem Group AG Reports Record EBITDA for 2024
Alzchem Group AG announces a record EBITDA of EUR 105.3 million for fiscal year 2024, marking an increase of 29.4% compared to the previous year. The company's focus on specialty chemicals has paid off, with sales in this segment growing by 8.8%. This growth offset a 9.5% decline in the Basics & Intermediates segment.
Additionally, free cash flow surged by 42.3% to EUR 74.2 million, while cash flow from operations increased by 44.7% to EUR 105.1 million. On the back of these strong results, Alzchem plans to increase its dividend by 50%, from EUR 1.20 to EUR 1.80 per share.
Looking ahead, the company predicts further growth in 2025, with plans to increase sales to EUR 580 million and EBITDA to EUR 113 million. Investments in Germany and exploration for a U.S. site are part of Alzchem's growth strategy.
R. P.
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