sur AlzChem Group AG (isin : DE000A0AHT46)
Alzchem Group AG Reports on 9th Interim Share Buyback
Alzchem Group AG has released its 9th interim report concerning the share buyback programme. Between February 10th and February 14th, 2025, the company acquired a total of 8,730 shares. This initiative forms part of a broader buyback strategy initially announced on November 29th, 2024. As of this report, the company has bought back a cumulative total of 70,568 shares.
The acquisition was executed by a financial institution through the XETRA stock exchange. The repurchased shares had a weighted average price of EUR 63.3990, with an aggregated volume totaling EUR 553,473.40, excluding acquisition costs.
This data, along with details of daily transactions, is accessible on the Alzchem website for interested parties.
R. H.
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