Altarea transfers its liquidity contract to Rothschild Martin Maurel

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ALTAREA (EPA:ALTA).

Altarea announced on December 2, 2024 the transfer of its liquidity contract to Rothschild Martin Maurel. This transfer applies immediately for a renewable period of one year. The contract concerns the company's ordinary shares on Euronext Paris, with the aim of promoting the liquidity of transactions and regularizing listings. It complies with the standards established by the AMF and AMAFI.

In this context, Altarea provided Rothschild Martin Maurel with 10,231 shares of the company and an amount of 1,016,800.90 euros. The contract previously in force with Kepler Cheuvreux was terminated on November 28, 2024, thus freeing up shares and cash.

R. H.

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