sur Allied OMS

Allied OMS Expands in Texas with Parkway Oral Surgery Addition

Allied OMS, a leading management services organization specializing in oral and maxillofacial surgery, has announced its expansion in Texas by integrating Parkway Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center in Houston into its platform. The move strengthens Allied OMS’s position in Texas, enlarging its network and enhancing patient access to advanced oral surgery services in the Houston area.

Dr. Laith Mahmood, head of Parkway Oral Surgery, expressed optimism about the partnership, emphasizing the shared values of clinical excellence. Allied OMS's unique model, which allows doctors to retain autonomy while benefiting from organizational resources, is pivotal to its growth strategy.

The addition aligns with Allied OMS's mission to partner with high-quality practices, enhancing operations and patient care opportunities. Founded in 2020, Allied OMS continues to expand its doctor-centric model, which remains attractive to top-tier surgical talent.

R. E.

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