sur Caldwell Partners International, Inc. (isin : CA12913L2030)

Alexandre L'Heureux Named Canada's Outstanding CEO for 2024

Caldwell and Bennett Jones have announced that Alexandre L'Heureux, CEO of WSP Global, has been named Canada’s Outstanding CEO of the Year® for 2024. This decision highlights the company's impressive growth and Mr. L'Heureux's commitment to global social responsibility. WSP Global, a renowned professional services firm, offers advisory, engineering, and design services across various sectors worldwide.

Since taking the helm in 2016, L'Heureux has overseen the acquisition of 55 firms and currently manages 200,000 projects globally. Under his leadership, WSP's revenue surged from $6 billion to over $14 billion, while maintaining a focus on ethics and community engagement.

John Wallace of Caldwell praised L'Heureux for transforming WSP into a global leader in engineering and consulting. The award not only celebrates his achievements but also supports educational initiatives through the Futures Fund Scholarship, aiding outstanding business students across Canada.

R. P.

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