sur ALDD Ventures Corp. (isin : CA00160Y1016)

ALDD Ventures Announces Progress on Qualifying Transaction

ALDD Ventures Corp. has entered into a definitive agreement with Guildwell Holdings Inc., Sparling Financial SARL, and a wholly-owned subsidiary for the acquisition of all Sparling's issued securities. The transaction involves a three-cornered amalgamation, where Guildwell and the subsidiary will merge into one corporation. Shareholders of Guildwell will receive shares of ALDD, renamed as Guildwell Holdings Ltd. upon completion.

Key conditions for the transaction include Sparling completing a private placement for $2,297,911 and securing necessary approvals. Adam Leonard will lead the resulting issuer as CEO, with Konstantin Lichtenwald as CFO. A financing effort will support working capital requirements.

The transaction is subject to several conditions, including regulatory approvals. There is no assurance of completion as proposed, and investment should be seen as speculative.

R. E.

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