sur AI/ML Innovations Inc. (isin : CA00143Y1034)
AI/ML Innovations Inc. Welcomes Esmat Naikyar as Interim Chief Product Officer to Drive Healthcare Innovation
AI/ML Innovations Inc. (AIML), a key player in advancing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies for societal needs, has announced Esmat Naikyar as the new Interim Chief Product Officer. Esmat Naikyar, with his extensive background in leading start-ups towards integrating AI and big data in healthcare, is set to enhance AIML's product development, focusing on Neural Networks and other AI & ML healthcare products. His appointment aims to propel the company, including its subsidiary Health Gauge Inc., towards achieving significant milestones in healthcare innovation.
Simultaneously, the company bids farewell to Bruce Matichuk, who significantly contributed as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Paul Duffy, CEO of AI/ML Innovations Inc., expressed enthusiasm for Naikyar's addition to the team and gratitude towards Matichuk for his contributions. Esmat Naikyar showed excitement about joining AIML during such a transformative period in health tech, aiming to make an impactful contribution to the future of healthcare through advancements in AI & ML technologies.
R. E.
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