sur AHT Syngas Technology N.V. (isin : NL0010872388)
A.H.T. Syngas Technology N.V. Observes Strong Growth and Sets New Revenue Record
A.H.T. Syngas Technology N.V. (AHT) concluded the financial year of 2023 with significant achievements including record sales and profits. The company, known for its decentralized power plants and gas purification systems, has reported a successful implementation of its growth strategy aimed at becoming a prominent CleanTec and clean energy provider. AHT has diversified its technology offerings to integrate hydrogen production and enhanced biomass processing, significantly expanding its operations.
Following a major Japanese contract worth approximately €160 million for 20 plants, AHT has fortified its market position. This advancement not only strengthens its technological proof of concept but also boosts the company’s financial metrics. Preliminary figures suggest a revenue of €12.12 million for 2023, marking the highest in company history, and a net profit of €0.86 million compared to a loss in the previous year.
Anticipating further growth, AHT aims to leverage its technology for electricity and heat contracting, promising high-profit margins due to internal value creation. The company's strategy aligns with increased scalable manufacturing, which could further enhance operational efficiencies. By 2028, AHT projects revenues to reach €77.15 million with an approximate EBITDA of €12.72 million, excluding additional impacts from potential acquisitions.
R. P.
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