sur AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft (isin : AT000AGRANA3)

AGRANA Anticipates Significant EBIT Decline in Fiscal Year 2024/25

AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft has announced a forecasted decline in its Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) for the 2024/25 financial year. The company, which reported an EBIT of €151.0 million for the previous year, now predicts a decrease ranging from 10% to over 50%.

This adjustment follows increased sugar inventories and falling global sugar prices, adversely affecting the Sugar segment. Additionally, higher-than-expected campaign costs in the sugar beet processing and flood damages, particularly at the Pischelsdorf plant in Austria, have exacerbated these challenges. The Starch segment reported significant impacts due to production stoppages.

The expected operating profit, excluding exceptional items and joint ventures, is estimated between €55 million and €75 million. Details will be further clarified with the upcoming quarterly results release scheduled for January 14, 2025.

R. E.

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