AFYREN Receives Silver Medal from EcoVadis

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action AFYREN (EPA:ALAFY).

AFYREN, a greentech company specializing in biobased, low-carbon ingredients, has been awarded a silver medal by EcoVadis. The company improved its score by seven points, placing it in the top 15% of evaluated companies globally. The achievement highlights AFYREN's significant progress in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), with improvements noted in Social and Ethics categories.

With a score of 68/100, AFYREN also ranks in the top 8% of its industrial sector. The rating comes amidst a shift from a Small to Medium-sized company category, illustrating the company's growth and commitment to sustainable practices despite tougher criteria.

AFYREN's Chief Sustainability Officer, Caroline Petigny, emphasized the importance of integrating sustainability with industrial development. The achievement demonstrates AFYREN's dedication to advancing CSR initiatives.

R. H.

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