Aéroports de Paris S.A Reports Significant Traffic Increase in February 2024

Aéroports de Paris S.A (ADP) has announced a considerable upsurge in its traffic figures for February 2024. Group traffic saw a 13.5% increase, reaching 25.0 million passengers, marking 109.1% of the traffic compared to 2019. Paris Aéroport, specifically, experienced a 4.7% rise in traffic with 7.0 million passengers, achieving 96.4% of its 2019 traffic levels. This growth indicates a robust recovery and a positive momentum in the post-pandemic era for the aviation sector.

However, a notable challenge was presented by the scheduled trial of the 4-Flight air traffic management system which led to a decrease in flight schedules and an estimated traffic loss of around 350,000 passengers in February, totaling a loss of approximately 1,000,000 passengers since the beginning of 2024. Despite these operational challenges, the traffic recovery progress is commendable across ADP's global operations, with notable performances in TAV and GMR Airports, reflecting the group's resilient and adaptable business strategy in response to ongoing industry changes.

The report detailed the performance of major airports and regions under ADP’s operation, highlighting a general positive trajectory in passenger traffic compared to the same period in 2023, and setting a bright outlook for the group's future operational and financial performance.

R. P.

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