Aéroports de Paris S.A Reports Growth in April 2024 Traffic Figures

On May 16, 2024, Aéroports de Paris S.A., commonly known as Groupe ADP, released its passenger traffic figures for April 2024, noting a rise compared to the previous year. The group reported handling 28.4 million passengers across its operations, marking an 8.2% increase from April 2023. Paris Aéroport, which includes Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly, saw a 7.2% rise, totaling 8.8 million passengers.

Notably, Paris-Orly experienced significant growth, posting a 12.2% increase with over 3 million passengers. Paris-Charles de Gaulle also grew, albeit at a slower pace, with a 4.8% increase totaling nearly 5.8 million passengers. TAV Airports, another subgroup, recorded a robust 13.2% growth, serving 7.5 million passengers. GMR Airports, part of the Groupe ADP network, reported a 5.9% increase in traffic, handling 9.5 million passengers during the same period.

A detailed review of regional traffic showed that the Schengen area and the United Kingdom contributed positively, with increases of 4.7% and 10.7%, respectively. African destinations notably surged by 22.2%, while Asia-Pacific traffic escalated by an impressive 42.3%. Connect rates and seat load factors showed slight variations, with the connecting rate experiencing a minor drop of 1.6 points and the seat load factor increasing by 0.3 points in April 2024.

R. P.

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