Aéroports de Paris SA Announces Voting Rights as of February 29, 2024

Aéroports de Paris SA has disclosed its voting rights and shares status as of February 29, 2024. According to the statement released on March 5, 2024, complying with the French Commercial Code Article L. 233-8-II and the Rules of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers 223-16, the company has provided an update on its voting rights. The details shared include the total number of shares which stand at 98,960,602. Furthermore, the company detailed the gross voting rights, amounting to 163,897,629, alongside the net voting rights, which are reported to be 163,627,576.

The net voting rights are clarified as the gross voting rights less the shares without voting rights. This announcement is significant for investors and stakeholders of Aéroports de Paris SA, giving them insight into the company's current share and voting rights structure as it stands at the end of February 2024. The ISIN code for Aéroports de Paris SA is FR0010340141, and the ticker used for trading is ADP. The company's shares are listed on Euronext Paris, under Euronext Paris - Compartment A – SRD.

R. P.

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