sur ADS-TEC Energy GmbH

ADS-TEC Energy Introduces Decentralized Energy Solutions at Volta-Xchange

ADS-TEC Energy GmbH unveiled its latest advancements in decentralized energy platforms designed to optimize the use of renewable energy sources without necessitating upgrades to the existing electrical grids. At the Volta-Xchange event in Stuttgart, the company showcased its battery-buffered solutions that cater to the growing demand for sustainable and flexible energy storage.

The shift towards a decentralized energy model signifies a transformation from a handful of centralized power providers to a diverse network of small-scale renewable energy suppliers. ADS-TEC Energy's solutions aim to support this transition by offering battery storage systems that allow for independent energy consumption and provision, even within the constraints of existing grid capacities. These systems are devised to address peak demand challenges and enable ultra-fast DC charging capabilities without the need for grid enhancement.

Felix Jaszczak, Product Marketing Manager at ADS-TEC Energy, emphasizes the role of intelligent battery storage in achieving a flexible and renewable energy future. By leveraging local generation along with the existing grid, these storage solutions ensure a constant and efficient energy supply. Additionally, advanced charging technologies facilitate simultaneous vehicle charging and battery system replenishment, enhancing the overall efficiency of the energy network.

The integration of ADS-TEC Energy's platform solutions fosters the creation of a unified, decentralized power plant network. This approach not only improves the utilization of renewable energy but also offers financial benefits during peak network load times. As the developer and producer of cutting-edge battery-assisted quick-charging and storage systems, ADS-TEC Energy continues to drive innovation in the energy sector.

R. E.

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