sur Adastra Holdings Ltd. (isin : CA00654D1006)
Adastra Holdings Ltd. to Discontinue SEC Reporting Obligations
LANGLEY, BC / ACCESSWIRE / May 1, 2024 - Adastra Holdings Ltd. (CSE:XTRX)(FRA:D2EP), prominent in the cannabis processing sector and known for its leading concentrates brands in Canada, has announced its plan to terminate its SEC reporting obligations. The company will voluntarily file a Form 15F with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission to deregister its common shares under Section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
This decision comes after an evaluation by Adastra, concluding that the costs of maintaining the registration outweigh the benefits. The filing will lead to an immediate suspension of the company's reporting obligations, with the deregistration effective 90 days from the announcement date. Despite this change in the U.S., Adastra’s shares will continue to be traded on the Canadian Securities Exchange, adhering to Canadian disclosure requirements by reporting through SEDAR+.
R. H.
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