sur Adastra Holdings Ltd. (isin : CA00654D1006)
Adastra Holdings Announces Lachlan McLeod as Interim CEO
Adastra Holdings Ltd., a prominent player in the cannabis market, based in Langley, BC, has appointed Lachlan McLeod as its Interim Chief Executive Officer, effective from April 12, 2024. McLeod, who is currently holding positions as CFO and Corporate Secretary at Adastra, will retain these roles alongside his new responsibilities as CEO.
Since January 2023, McLeod has significantly contributed to Adastra by enhancing its financial strategies and fostering growth. His recent appointment as Corporate Secretary was announced earlier on April 2, 2024. Adastra is actively searching for a permanent CEO to advance the company's growth in the coming phases.
Additionally, the company announced the resignation of Smoke Wallin from its Board of Directors, also effective April 12, 2024. Wallin, having joined the board in May 2022, is departing to focus on other business commitments. Adastra is in the process of finding a replacement for the board vacancy. McLeod expressed gratitude for Wallin's dedication and influence on Adastra's success over his tenure.
R. E.
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