sur Ad Pepper Media International N.V. (isin : NL0000238145)

Ad pepper media Increases Stake in solute Holding to 44.37%

ad pepper media International N.V. has expanded its investment in solute Holding GmbH & Co. KG, increasing its stake to 44.37%. The purchase agreement involves acquiring an additional 18.73% of solute's shares for approximately EUR 4.5 million. This transaction includes the issuance of 2,305,195 new shares in ad pepper without subscription rights for current shareholders. Six entities, including Schlütersche Marketing Holding GmbH and G. Braun Telefonbuchverlage GmbH & Co. KG, are the sellers.

ad pepper, previously holding 25.64% in solute, aims for a majority shareholding and consolidation of solute in its financial statements. solute operates and, leading price comparison portals in German-speaking markets, with EUR 44.7 million in revenue last year. This transaction represents a related party transaction under Dutch law.

R. E.

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